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If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. Albert Einstein


Using uMap and Open Street Map to map shops that makes deliveries due to COVID-19 pandemic

During a pandemic as the one we're in, it could be useful for people who cannot or would not move to know which shops make deliveries. This map was created for my own place, Gubbio, in the middle and center of Italy and it started as a "supermarket list" but you can never know what a "list" means to a geographer! I took my inspiration from my colleague and friend Alessandro Sarretta (here) and I found that helping people while contributing to a broader Open Source project like Open Street Map was a huge opportunity for me and the community I live in.
Screenhshot of the uMap of shops that makes deliveries due to COVID-19 pandemic - this image is under CC-BY license